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September 18, 2008
Salem, Massachusetts                                                    September 18, 2008

A meeting of the Board of Trustees was held this date at 4:10 p.m. at the Library with Trustees Buckley, Clarke, Little, Merry and Shea, and Mayor Driscoll present and presiding.  Trustee Yale was absent.  Ms. Jackson was present.     

Approval of Minutes of June 19, 2008.  UNANIMOUS   

Current Library Use and Financial Reports were distributed.  The Trustees discussed the current financial situation.  John Doherty, the Library’s account executive from Eastern bank, left a message on Ms. Jackson’s voice mail.  She invited any interested Trustees to listen to the message after the meeting.  Mayor Driscoll suggested that we invite Mr. Doherty to our next Trustee meeting.  The Trustees agreed to the Mayor’s suggestion.

Ms. Jackson reported on the FY09 library budget.  The City Council approved the budget with no cuts ($1,110,101).

Ms. Jackson discussed the library walkway.  The walkway’s bricks need to be replaced.  Architect Robert Farley has been working on the bid documents.  We hope to go out for bid later in the fall.

Ms. Jackson mentioned the number of compliments the Library received about the beautiful job the new landscapers did.  She and the Trustees thanked Selina for her continued interest in the Library’s grounds.

Ms. Jackson updated the Trustees on the roof work.  The job is finished and the Library is very satisfied with the results.

Meeting adjourned at 4:45 p.m.